Is the SAM really a single point-of-contact?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people talk about their Strategic Account Manager as a single point of contact. But is this wise? It annoys the other customer points of contact in the supplier who thinks the SAM will steal their relationship. It also encourages the customer to ONLY deal with the SAM who then gets overloaded. I have always […]

Best practice presentation on SAM

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Earlier this month we got the news that we will again be invited to present at the SAMA European Conference.  SAMA is the world’s foremost authority on best practice strategic accunt management (SAM).  We are presenting “Getting Started with SAM” with our client Cushman & Wakefield Investors.  We have done some outstanding work together in getting SAM […]

SAM Game Winners

DSC01229 | SAM Game Winners

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On May 16, the top teams in the Strategic Account Management Game were announced at the SAMA Global Conference in Orlando, Florida. The online game was played over three weeks leading up to the conference itself. Jean-Maurice Mimran (SAFC), Angela Nienaber (US Postal Service) and Derek Stek (CH Robinson Worldwide) won the game. Dan Cox […]

SAM2Win gets top satisfaction scores

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The SAM2Win simulation recently scored some of the highest satisfaction scores amongst delegates at the SAMA Global Conference in Orlando. Click here to see the conference highlights: SAMA Feedback Orlando 2011[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

A unique KAM workshop: London 12th Jan 2012

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Earlier this year, we ran a KAM Simulation workshop for members of the world-renowned Strategic Account Management Association ( May 2011 ).  This was rated one of the best workshops at their conference and so we have teamed up with the University of Portsmouth, to offer a similar session in the UK.  My co-presenter is Beth Rogers, […]

Compass wins a prestigious award with our support

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are delighted to announce that our client, Compass Group PLC has won an award for its work in growing its international clients business. The award was announced by the highly respected Strategic Account Management Association and recognizes the excellent work that Compass has done in co-creating value with its clients. In responding, Ed Bradford, […]

Using gaming to grow your strategic account sales

SPA Winning Team | Using gaming to grow your strategic account sales

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sales Performance Association meeting, 4th June, Chartered Institute of Marketing, Moor Hall Members and guests who attended the SPA seminar on 4th June 2013 took part in a competitive and fast paced simulation in the area of Strategic Account Management.  Our first Honorary Fellow, Professor Malcolm McDonald introduced the day and set the scene for managing […]

Is the SAM really a single point-of-contact?

Many people talk about their Strategic Account Manager as a single point of contact. But is this wise? It annoys the other customer points of contact in the supplier who thinks the SAM will steal their relationship. It also encourages the customer to ONLY deal with the SAM who then gets overloaded. I have always […]

Best practice presentation on SAM

Earlier this month we got the news that we will again be invited to present at the SAMA European Conference.  SAMA is the world’s foremost authority on best practice strategic accunt management (SAM).  We are presenting “Getting Started with SAM” with our client Cushman & Wakefield Investors.  We have done some outstanding work together in getting SAM […]