[vc_column_text] Marketing Navigation: How To Keep Your Marketing Plan On Course To Implementation Success
By Edmund Bradford, Steve Erickson and Professor Malcolm McDonald
Our research has shown that billions of dollars are lost every year from marketing plans that fail to get implemented properly. Unlike chasing new customers, launching new products or buying new companies, this is lost growth that is very much within the power of the company to fix internally.
It underscores the truth that the risks around implementation are high and the challenges are many.
This book draws upon original research and decades of execution experience to help marketers improve their chances of success. The authors propose a practical marketing navigation system to help all businesses ensure their plan identifies the implementation risks and remains on course to deliver its targets.
The book is packed with examples from organizations of every size, from both manufacturing and service sectors, and from around the world. They show the variety of challenges experienced and the lessons we can all learn about how those challenges were overcome.
The book includes:
- tried-and-tested ideas from other professions that you can import and adapt easily for your implementation purposes
- how you can use your existing marketing skills in new ways to sell your plan internally
- a simple but powerful tool that you can use to help ensure your plan is always on course and on schedule. It will become your steering wheel and GPS for the journey ahead.
The book is essential reading for marketing managers and strategists, trainers and anyone doing executive courses in the field. Not just a chapter quickly tagged at the end of a strategy book, this is a whole book dedicated to the issue. For professionals and students alike it will help you understand both the challenges and the solutions.
You can find the book on Amazon or at Goodfellow Publishers here.